Sofie Gjuričová
        * 2000 Prague, Czech Republic /
        IČO 19357095
        IG @sofiegjuricova
        drivers licence B
        full portfolio -

architecture / writing / moving image in the widest scope possible

        2012 - 2020 Gymnázium Jana Keplera
        2020 - 2026 Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (UMPRUM)
                Architecture studio A2, 2020 - 2021 led by Ivan Kroupa and Jana Moravcová, since 2021 led by Eva Franch i Gilabert
        Winter 23/24 - Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU)
                internship at the Center for Audiovisual Studies (CAS), led by Martin Blažíček
        Summer 23/24 - Faculty of Fine Arts at Brno University of Technology (FAVU VUT)
                internship at Atelier Video (AVI), led by Martin Mazanec
        Winter 24/25 - Work internship at Cécile B. Evans’s studio in Saint Denis, France

        23/10 - Milovaný a nenáviděný Karel Prager. Jeho stavby suplují ve městě chybějící kulturní střed
                > Alarm

        24/01 - Feminismus je rozumnou reakcí na nespravedlnost. Výstava v GMB hledá průsečík péče, architektury a feminismu
                > Alarm

        24/05 - Touha po světové architektuře. Od zlatého Anděla k ostravským jatkám
                > A2

        24/06 - Přidej tam víc stromů. Architektonická vizualizace jako hybatel komerční bytové výstavby
                > ArtyčokTV

        24/07 - Barbora Ilič - Dirt is a Social Construct - review
                > Forum 4AM

        24/08 - Olympijský plamen a doutnající krize. Ani pařížské hry se nevyhnuly zásahům do metropole
                > Alarm

        Czech native
        English C2 CPE certificate
        French B2 DELF certificate
        German A2

        Adobe AutoCAD, PS, ID, Ai, Premiere
        Rhinoceros, Blender, Unreal Engine, Sketchup, VRAY, Metahuman, Cinema 4D, TouchDesigner, SparkAR, Meshroom

        19/04 - AP Microeconomics - an internationally recognized course on economics, 4/5 points

        20/10 - Workshop - Writing about architecture (Psaní o architektuře) by Karolína Vránková in CAMP Prague

        22/02 - Published graphic in A2 cultural magazine, 3D digital intervention into Lukáš Havlena’s photograph
        22/05 - Workshop - Temporary pleasure, ephemeral club-making workshop in Ankali, Prague
        22/07 - Bukolika - installation on festival
        22/01 - 22/02 - QARTA Architektura (Pernerova 635)
        Commissions for Addict label, Wrong label, Fuchs2

        23/03 - Czech pavillion for EXPO 2025 competition - winners of the jury’s award (in collaboration with P1 Architects)
        23/05 - Winner of Artyčok Opencall - student film proposal competition
        23/06 - SK Trefa: O srdce mladého světa exhibition in XAO, Prague
        23/08 - Bukolika - installation on festival
        23/09 - part of discussion panel about work conditions in architecture at Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera
        23/11 - Postprotest - Exhibition at Ulicna Galerija in Belgrade, Serbia
        23/11 - Reverie Little Helps - screening of Arkada at Bat Cave Cinema - Kino CIT, Brno
        23/07 - 23/11 - PAPUNDEKL ARCHITEKTI (Čajkovského 35, Praha 3)
        Commissions for Ankali, CUKR, Reggaeton Study Mix, ÚSD, Lukáš Novák & URBNC3

        24/03 - Velká věc - Big thing (UMPRUM Biennal) - exhibit of Arkada
        24/04 - Exhibition of Tamara Spalajković in etc. gallery - video animation commission
        24/05 - Architecture of exhibition at Meetfactory gallery - Boundaries of Ambiguity
        24/05 - Premiere of Sauna, organized by ArtyčokTV at AVU, Prague
        24/06 - Screening of Sauna at Bat Cave Cinema - Kino CIT, Brno
        24/06 - Screening of Sauna at Ještěd f kleci, Liberec
        24/09 - Postbauhaus: Vzpomínky na budoucnost - exhibit of Sauna in PLATO gallery, Ostrava
        24/09 - Screening of Sauna at Festival Film a Architektura, Prague
        Commissions for gob gob label, Wrong label, Nikola Balberčáková, Eja Devečková, Petr Bursa and Fae Bestia